Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Love You Baby! - Mondegreen

01. Unprepared I go
02. My 49th baby
03. Dorian
04. Little princess
05. Tiny fascist
06. Small hate
07. Underground
08. Let me get high
09. Scrag choked point
10. Dolls start small
11. Television
12. Another day suicide

I Love You Baby! is one of these projects that is just impossible to define, there is so many styles of electronica in there that you can't really categorize anywhere. There is IDM, Industrial, Hardcore-Techno to minimalism and each done very efficiently. The common thread is that it all sounds like it was produced in the early eighties by members of Skinny Puppy, and, to me, that's a good thing. A bit like Foetus challenged any categorization, ILYB! do it within the span of an

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